Poorly Mapped Beams, Floors, Walls, Everything…

This room is, without question, the room I’ve spent the most time on in the game. It has been my “Mt. Everest.” Just about every beam structure, object, and piece of machinery in this room needed some correction.

Additionally, I learned that there is an upper limit (though it is unclear exactly what that limit is) re: how complex the geometry of a single level can be. You see, this room has many chains that in the original game are represented using flat textures. In revising this room I replaced every chain with fully 3D modeled versions, which was too much for the game engine. Optimizing the 3D models to reduce the complexity of the chains (especially those far away from the player) corrected the issue.

I’m really happy to be able to leave this room for the time being. Please enjoy these comparison shots, which are just a small sample of the sheer number of corrections made. Thank you!

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