Mike to the Rescue! (Rooms 320 & 321)

Finally, someone realized that one single person fighting an unknown entity that kidnapped the President’s daughter was not that good of an idea. 😛

This area is huge, and huge were the inaccuracies I had to confront.

The main problem in the first room were all of the shadows in the floor. Most of them were floating at unusually long distances from the floor/wall. I had no choice but to remodel them all from scratch because it all was a mess… but the results were satisfying! Other than that, the rest of edits were the usual. The room needed lots of small (and not that small) 3D fixes everywhere, but lots of textures were recycled from previous rooms. So, one thing compensated the other.

About the second room. I noticed some 3D models didn’t react to Leon’s flashlight. I found out what caused that and I was able to fix it.

Enjoy these work in progress comparison shots and video. Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts about them! 🙂


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29 responses to “Mike to the Rescue! (Rooms 320 & 321)”

  1. Nelson says:

    Que tal Albert? como siempre muy bueno todos los avances de Chris y vos, una pregunta, veia el video y note las texturas del helicoptero de Mike y un par de imagenes internas de su mano, son estas texturas modificables o son parte de la modificacion posterior tanto de enemigos como de otros personajes?

    • albert says:

      Efectivamente, estas texturas las dejamos para más adelante, para el momento en que arreglemos las texturas exclusivas de las secuencias 😉

  2. Inimitable says:

    Amazing stuff, as always! I am really looking forward to playing through the game again when this project’s ready.

  3. terminento says:

    Great work as usual! Specially considering how complex that area is.
    Also, no olvides verificar la presión de esa válvula.

  4. Marius Johnsen says:

    This looks so amazing. I really love the updated look of the gatling gun placements and shields compared to the originals.

    Might be just me, but i feel like the tip of the gatling gun looks just slightly too clean compared to the look of the rest of the gun. The texturework and model looks great, but i feel might match better if the texture for the end looked just slightly more worn. Keep up the great work. Totally hyped for every update 🙂

  5. Christian says:

    Una pregunta, las cutscenes de Separate Ways se pueden arreglar para que no parezca que ha vomitado una gaviota sobre la pantalla? Tienen una resolución horrenda.

    • albert says:

      No, por desgracia no se puede hacer nada para arreglar esos videos. Son videos y como tal sólo Capcom que tiene el material original (a menos que lo haya borrado) con el que los crearon podría renderizarlo de nuevo en más alta definición

      • terminento says:

        Hombre, si nos pusieramos en plan savior of the universe, habida cuenta de que se pueden abrir los mapas del juego en 3d Max (que me interesa mucho saber cómo lo hacéis) se podría usar los videos originales como referencia y animar y renderizar videos nuevos. Ahora bien, ya digo yo aquí y ahora que el trabajo necesario para animar y renderizar todo eso es increiblemente difícil. Cuando yo animé Cliff Notes on Metal Gear part III ya eché el bofe para terminarlo (y eso que me estaba grabando a mí mismo como referencia de animación), y hubo escenas que directamente no pude animar porque con tanto personaje mi ordenador echaba el bofe (una donde tenía que haber una veintena de soldados, y me tuve que apañar con una imagen estática). Con la de escenas que hay en este juego con grandes concentraciones de ganados, no le deso tener que aniamrlo ni a mi peor enemigo.

        • terminento says:

          Igual lo que sí se podría hacer es lo que ha hecho SquareEnix con los videos de Final Fantasy IX y X HD para PC, han cogido los originales y los han reescalado sometiendolos a algún tipo de DNR. El resultado no es el mejor del mundo (un poco como los fondos del Resident Evil remake HD), pero es mejor que nada. Ahora bien, lo mismo digo, eso tiene que ser un trabajazo para que quede bien.

          • albert says:

            Haha a ver quien tiene narices de recrear las escenas XD Aunque nada es imposible!
            Lo de filtrar los videos es difícil que quede bien… Solo disponemos de videos con artefactos de compresión y cualquier filtro que le apliquemos supondría una pérdida de detalle (del poco que tiene) desde mi punto de vista. Una pena lo de Separate Ways…

  6. Mr. Slenderman says:

    men, you’re making a masterpiece I will gladly donate and even buy, after the project it’s finished you’re a total badasses

  7. Alex says:

    Great work as usual!

    I have a question, though, about the PC version’s appearance. It was brought to my attention that the PC version has a more “orange” tint than the original Gamecube version, and since the PC version was apparently ported from the 360 version, it has an oddly low gamma value, which washes out a lot of specular highlights and other bright white points, such as those on fire effects.

    Do you guys have an opinion on these issues, and if so, do you have a preference on how to fix them? I’ve looked through some custom in-game post-process gradients as well as SweetFX presets that adjust gamma, but I can’t be certain which effects properly restore the original visuals without messing up the appearance in other areas.

    Do you account for the colour differences in this version, or are you just focused on matching the raw texture colours?

    Thanks for all your great work so far!

    • Sergey Tokarev says:

      I’m also interested about that.

      Did you try this fix? https://steamcommunity.com/app/254700/discussions/0/540744475274565659/
      It restores high intensity fire effects and colours are close enough to GCN/Wii version.

    • albert says:

      Hello Alex! And thank you!

      We are awere of those differences but we are remastering the textures using as reference the raw texture colours.
      Both methods (gradient and using SweetFX) have good results, but at the end sometimes it’s a matter of taste. However, there are some issues those methods can’t fix, for example: crushed whites and overexposed colours in some rooms. I’m trying to fix some of those lighting issues but I’m not sure if we’ll be able of fix them all!
      I’ll post something about this matter very soon!

  8. Steven says:

    I do believe the amount of attention to detail and effort that you guys have put into this project is more than double the detail and effort Capcom and their team of 100+ contracted workers would of come up with if they were to really do a real HD remake. That was a bit of a run-on sentence. Thanks for all your time and hard work, I really enjoy seeing the progress from each update.

    • Steven says:

      The pillars at 2:27 and 13:08 look off center from their base platforms, I’m guessing that’s just a over sight on capcoms behalf. If you could center those pillars out it would take away that eye-sore.

  9. that guy says:

    flaslight, xD. nice job

  10. Cris Without H says:

    I must say, the brick wall texture in the first screenshot looks oddly out of place and doesn’t seem to match the original. It also doesn’t match walls around it. Also, this barbed wire looks kinda odd. I can’t quite say what’s wrong with it. It looks a little bit too thick and too dark in comparison with the original. Those are minor things, though.
    Great job as usual.

    • Alex says:

      The bricks and door in that shot were changed to match their appearance on the other side, as shown in their last update. I believe the doors were originally different sizes on each side, which has been corrected, and the brick texture on this side were originally inconsistent with the rest of the wall.

      • albert says:

        Thank you both for your comments! Remembrer this is work in progress so, Cris will probably take into consideration some of your comments in the next revision stage 🙂
        Now I’m just sharing my thoughts about this:

        That’s right. I did all these changes to be consistent with the previous room 😉
        The original texture is the one in picture 320m. I guess it was a Capcom’s optimization decission.
        I think there’s no need the brick texture matches with the rock texture around them. It’s a human construction builded over a mountain. They should be different

        About the barbed wire: It looks more contrasted and thicker because it has some 3D volume now. The original was made of 2D wires. So, at certain angles you simply can’t see them (like some castle sconces). That’s why it looks thinner in the original.

        • Cris Without H says:

          Well, that rock seemed more natural than crafted to me, but perhaps you are right. Still, it differs from the original quite a bit and it’s just something that slightly annoys me.
          As for the barbed wire, I think that making it one colour (right now, it kinda looks like a very stylish black-n-white barbed wire ^^) would improve its looks, but it’s not the most important thing in the world by any means.

  11. togan says:

    I’ll just leave this here)


    Capcom has done “some” work on the Villagers and other Main Characters…

  12. BG says:

    Dunno if you already planned on going back to the typewriter model, but I suppose in the next sweep you could try adding some depth to the keyboard so the keys don’t look painted on lol. I think you updated that back before you could edit models too.

    • Cris says:

      That’s right – that was early on. I agree there is an opportunity to improve it (not just the depth of the keyboard, but also the insignia, which should be an ankh rather than the current image of Amenhotep. I’m sure it’ll go through one more revision before calling it final. Thanks for the feedback!!

  13. Curtis says:

    It looks like your camera operates like the later RE games by not springing back into place once you “look” with the right analog stick (always something I hated with RE4). Did you mod the camera or something?

  14. Mohsen says:

    You did a great job for this large area…
    But I think, it would be awesome if you re-do/change the texture of the wooden pole, as marked on the image in the link: http://i.imgbox.com/PUTuxnSD.jpg

    • albert says:

      Thank you for the feedback! Even those marks could be in real life (that’s why I didn’t saw them as a mistake) I’m seeing they are not in the original. I’m taking note of that! I think thiose marks improve somewhat the texture though ;P