Back to the Village for Some Fresh Air (Part VI) – MISCELLANY

Hi! As I promised last time, I’m showing you a pair of cool improvements among the ragbag of edits I’m posting this week 🙂

  • Collision edits are now possible thanks to our tenacious friend Son of Persia, who’s assisting us during this long journey with his inestimable arsenal of tools.

  • Lighting edits. I’m showing you a few more examples of how these kind of edits are handled. Now we know the relationship between breakable items (torches, for example) and a light source, and how both are linked. There is a blue fire on the left in the image below. Also, you’ll notice something is wrong while watching the video…

  • Water edits. Yes, more of them! This time it’s not an improvement, per se. It’s just… a hidden layer of moving water that was underneath the quiet water. This moving layer disappears after activating the dam mechanism. 🙂

  • Fire edits. Another example of how can a fire be “embellished.” 😛

  • And last but not least: Tada!! Again, courtesy of Son of Persia. He was able to understand the unusual bin file structure for those models. I suspect many of you will notice the difference simply from the screenshot below. 😛

And here goes the video. I hope you like it!

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