The Weight of the World

A quick render I did to remaster the Ashley Instruction Manual you receive after finding her in the church (SEE BELOW. This camera angle is impossible to obtain in-game).

Hello everyone. I just wanted to share with you that I finally finished Chapter 2-1 (!!!)

It’s not that I need to justify the wait, but I want to explain a bit so all of you can understand why sometimes some things take much more time than expected to be done.

In this case a lot of things happened in the last month (both personal and technical matters).

The personal part is that I’m moving right now. This is a good thing for me because I’ve been suffering some anxiety problems the last 2-3 years and I wasn’t able to handle major changes in my life. I’m working on that, and I’ve improved a lot the way I manage my thoughts and the way I see all the things that happen around me. It’s not easy, but it’s possible!

I’d be lying if I said the last 2 years weren’t bad and almost terrible sometimes for me, and even then I’ve been able to continue with the project. I guess this is good proof that there’s no way we’ll stop until it’s fully complete!

That is the main reason the post has this title. I guess some people will understand me. If not… lucky you! ;P (Also, it references the weight Leon has to suffer every time Ashley is unable to climb down a ladder XD ).

The technical reasons have been… the damn cut-scene models!! You can’t imagine how time-consuming it was to find out what the problem was when I edited Ashley’s model. This game is terribly restrictive! I’ll delve into this in the video I’ll post next week. 😉

Have a nice Sunday/Monday!!

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